Rory Stewart MP says…

“Applications such as these should not be allowed in Cumbria for three reasons. First it is directly against the expressed interests of the majority of the community in the area. This is their landscape, their community, and they should be able to determine except in the most extreme circumstances the future and nature of their locality. Second, the construction of such turbines will have a deep and long-term negative impact on the economy of Cumbria. Tourism is our main income earner – bringing in over a billion pounds a year  – and this tourism is directly dependent on our natural landscape. The views are what makes tourism our single largest income-earner, supporting tens of thousands of families in the county. Finally, the landscape is precious in and of itself for residents and indeed for everyone in Britain. My hope, therefore, is that we can as Cumbrians harness the strength of our opposition and highlight the importance of our landscape to our economy and our lives, and stop developers trying to force such developments through.”

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